I considered saving it as a document on my PC, as an email, as a note on my blackberry, but I'm sure it'll be lost among the thousand documents I have. My blog is the one place that's very sparse. Besides, I can easy share the list with everyone else.
This would be a list of places I want to take my kids to. I'm going to give myself until end of Summer of 2013 to cover all the destinations below.
- BBVA Compass Stadium. www.houstondynamo.com. 713.276.7500
- Children's Museum. http://www.cmhouston.org/. 713.522.1138
Free general admission every Thursday from 5-8 pm.
Free general admission on every first Sunday of the month.
Admission: Adult/Children 1+: $9
Annual membership $85 Family or $104 Family Plus.
- Discovery Green. http://www.discoverygreen.com/. 713.400.7336
- Downtown Aquarium. http://www.aquariumrestaurants.com/. 713.223.3474
- Hermann Park. www.hermanpark.org. 713.524.5876
- Houston Museum of Natural Science. www.hmns.org. 713.639.4629
Free general admission every Thursday from 3-6pm (summer) or 2-5pm (winter).
Permanent Exhibit: Adult: $15. Child (3-11): $10.Planetarium or Butterfly Center: Adult: $8. Child: $7.
Giant Screen Theater: Adult: $11. Child: $9.
- Houston Zoo. http://www.houstonzoo.org/. 713.533.6500
Free every first Tuesday of the month from 2pm - closing from September 2012 - May 2013. (Free admission cancelled for July & August 2012).
- Main Street Theater. www.mainstreettheater.com. 713.524.6706
- Miller Outdoor Theather. http://www.milleroutdoortheater.com/.
- Minute Maid Park. http://www.houston.astros.mlb.com/. 713.529.8000
- The Health Museum. http://www.thehealthmuseum.org/. 713.521.1515
Free general admission every Thursday from 2-5pm.
- The Museum of Fine Arts Houston. http://www.mfah.org/
Free general admission every Thursday from 10am - 9pm.
- The Orange Show. http://www.orangeshow.org/. 713.926.6368
- Market Street - The Woodlands. http://www.marketstreet-thewoodlands.com/. 281.419.4774
- Old MacDonalds Farm. http://www.oldmacdonaldshumble.com/. 281.446.4001
- Old Town Spring. http://www.oldtownspring.com/. 281.353.9310
- Splashtown. http://www.splashtownpark.com/. 281.355.3300
- The Depot in Tomball. http://www.ci.tomball.tx.us/. 281.251.5484
- The Woodlands Children's Museum. http://www.woodlandschildrensmuseum.org/. 281.465.0955
- Brazos Bend State Park. www.brazosbend.org. 979.553.5101
- Constellation Field. http://www.sugarlandskeeters.com/. 281.240.4487
- George Observatory. http://www.hmns.org/. 281.242.3055
- George Ranch Historical Park. http://www.georgeranch.org/. 281.343.0218
- Houston Museum of Nature Science at Sugar Land. http://www.hmns.org/.
- La Centerra at Cinco Ranch. www.lacenterra.com. 281.395.5533
- Mary Jo Peckham Park. www.pct3.hctx.net. 281.395.5533
- Oil Ranch. http://www.oilranch.com/. 281.859.1616
- Splashway Waterpark. http://www.splashwaywaterpark.com/. 979.234.7718
- Sugar Land Town Square. http://www.sugarlandtownsquare.com/. 281.276.6000
- The Showboat Drive-In Theather. http://www.theshowboatdrivein.com/. 281.351.5224
- Villago Town Center. www.villagiotowncenter.com 281.363.1336
- Baytown Nature Center. http://www.baytown.org/. 281.932.1972
- LaPorte Wave Pool. www.ci.la-porte.tx.us. 281.470.1966
- Pirates Bay. www.baytown.org/piratesbay. 281.422.1150
- San Jacinto Momument & Battleship Texas. http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/. 281.479.2431
- Sylvan Beach. http://www.ci.la-port.tx.us/. 281.457.0694
- Armand Bayou Nature Center. http://www.abnc.org/. 281.474.2551
- Bayou Wildlife Park. http://www.bayouwildlifepark.com/. 281.337.6376
- Big League Deams. http://www.bigleaguedreams.com/. 281.316.3400
- Butler Longhorn Museum. www.butlerlonghornmuseum.com. 281.332.1393
- Clear Lake Recreation Center. ww.clcca.org. 281.488.0360
- Froberg's Farm. http://www.frobergsfarm.com/. 281.585.3531
- Kemah Boardwalk. http://www.kemahboardwalk.com/. 281.334.9880
- Pearland Parks. http://www.pearlandparks.com/. 281.412.8900
- Space Center Houston. http://www.spacecenter.org/. 281.996.3200
- Stevenson Park. ci.friendswood.tx.us. 281.996.3200
- West Bay Common School & Children's Museum. http://www.oneroomschoolhouse.org/. 281.554.2994
- Galveston Island Duck Tours. http://www.galvestonducks.com/. 409.621.4771
- Lone Star Flight Museum. http://www.lsfm.org/. 409.740.7722
- Moody Gardens. http://www.moodygardens.com/. 800.582.4673
- Pleasure Pier. http://www.pleasure-pier.com/. 713.850.1010
- Railroad Museum. http://www.galvestonrrmuseum.com/. 409.765.5700
- Rainforest Cafe. http://www.rainforestcafe.com/. 409.744.6000
- Schitterbahn. http://www.schlitterbahn.com/. 409.770.9283
I don't live in the Houston area but you make me wish I did!