Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Staycation Destinations - Houston Metropolian

I saw this listing in the Fort Bend Parent magazine for staycation destinations in Houston area, and I just have to keep this list somewhere that I can refer to later. 

I considered saving it as a document on my PC, as an email, as a note on my blackberry, but I'm sure it'll be lost among the thousand documents I have.  My blog is the one place that's very sparse.  Besides, I can easy share the list with everyone else.

This would be a list of places I want to take my kids to.  I'm going to give myself until end of Summer of 2013 to cover all the destinations below.

Free general admission every Thursday from 5-8 pm.
Free general admission on every first Sunday of the month. 
Admission:  Adult/Children 1+: $9
Annual membership $85 Family or $104 Family Plus.
Free general admission every Thursday from 3-6pm (summer) or 2-5pm (winter).

Permanent Exhibit:  Adult: $15.  Child (3-11): $10.Planetarium or Butterfly Center:  Adult:  $8.  Child:  $7.
Giant Screen Theater:  Adult: $11.  Child: $9.
Free every first Tuesday of the month from 2pm - closing from September 2012 - May 2013.  (Free admission cancelled for July & August 2012).
Free general admission every Thursday from 2-5pm.
Free general admission every Thursday from 10am - 9pm.